Camp Westwind

YWCA Camp Westwind
Encouraging Community
Embracing Diversity
Exploring the World Around Us!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Session 3 Day 5

Good Evening! 

I hope everyone has had as wonderful a week as we have out here at the beach (and in the CITY).  We've packed it full of good activities, food, and friends! 

Today we we starting our last day by sleeping in and had chocolate chip pancakes, sausage, orange juice, cereal & breakfast bar. Following breakfast, each unit participated in doing a service project around camp, from creating cabin plaques to trail maintenance. Teen Ad returned from their two night overnight this morning, a bit dirty & a bit smelly, but took showers and felt much better. 

Sherwood was spending their afternoon having a pack out lunch on the beach, making cake in an orange, showering and having a spa party.

Part of Highlands spent their afternoon mudmucking They enjoyed a contest for getting the muddiest (wanting to match Polo) then were able to take showers.  The other part of Highlands went on a nature hike and did some outdoor cooking with Blinker. 

Alpine hiked to the gorgeous High Meadow and ate lunch up there. This wasn't an ordinary hike though, this was Lord of the Rings themed! 

Teen Leads worked on creating an amazing closing campfire, which was Olympic Themed! it included some events such as: slack-jaw dancing, rap battles, and weight-lifting. 

Teen Ad spent their afternoon unpacking from their overnight, and hanging out at the barn doing archery and soccer.  

Tonight's dinner was engulfed by campers!  Dinner was our end of session BBQ with burgers, fruit, salad, beans, water & juice.  These campers have really been enjoying their food, we've made SO much of it! Can you guess how much ort we've had this week? 9 pounds! Not to shabby for 5 days of camp! 

I hope you all have a great evening! See some of you tomorrow!

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