Out of my window looking in the night
I can see the barges’ flickering light
Silently flows the water to the sea
And the barges, too, go silently
Barges, I would like to go with you
I would like to sail the ocean blue
Barges, have you treasures in your hold?
Do you fight with pirates brave and bold?
Out my window looking in the night
I can see the barges’ flickering light
Starboard shines green and port is glowing red
You can see them flickering ahead (Chorus)
How my heart longs to sail away with you
I would like to sail the ocean blue
But I must stay beside my window drear
As I watch you sail away from here (Chorus)
Today was another glorious day! It was a little bit overcast, but that did not damper the day at all. This morning, campers came back from the overnight (Sherwood a little early as the ravens got to their food bags that were tied so nicely in the trees - don't worry though, they came back and their Unit Coordinator had breakfast waiting for them). Teens of course are still on their overnight - they will return tomorrow.

After enjoying their overnights, campers came back to camp and unloaded their gear. Some showered, some went mudmucking, some went to the Art Palace, and others went to the beach. We had a hot lunch today, then campers went back out to enjoy the outside. Campers went to mudmucking, kayaking, sports, tie-dye, games, archery, bouldering wall, challenge course, and more!

The day ended with an Alien All-Camp! It was so much fun! Here are some pictures from it!

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