Flicker of the campfire, wind in the pines
The stars in the heavens, the moon that shines
A place where people gather, make friends of all kinds
A place where Old Man Trouble is always left behind
So give me the light of the campfire, warm and bright
And give me some friends to sing with, I’ll be here all night
Love is for those who find it, I’ve found mine right here
Just you and I and the campfire and the songs we love to
Da-da, da da-da da-da da-da
The peacefulness of Westwind, the silence of night
The sun in the morning that shines so bright
A place where campers gather, make friends for all time
A place where city troubles are always left behind (Chorus)
Green are the valleys, sweet is the clover
Gone are the cold winds forever more
The roses now are blooming, the ocean’s so blue
The sun above is shining upon our love so new (Chorus)
For love is like a warm fire, soft and low
And when you find your true love, your heart will really know
And when the leaves start falling, and friends begin to part
These memories of Westwind will be in every heart (Chorus)
Sing Your Way Home
Sing your way home at the close of the day
Sing your way home, drive the shadows away
Smile every mile, for wherever you roam
It will brighten your road, it will lighten your load
If you sing your way home
It's sad to say, but the session is coming to an end! Shoot, where is the time going?! I would have to say that even though the session has had some rain, that hasn't dampened the camp spirit.
If you've read the rest of the blogs, you know what we've been up to, up until today. Today, let me tell you, was a fantastic day! The sun was shining, and it was so warm. It was a great day to have a BBQ dinner!
Some of the highlights of this week:
The Teen Unit! The Teen Lead's did a great job with campfire! It was a Scooby Doo campfire, where they tried to find "Tom Cruise."
Fairy Houses! I don't know if you know this, but Camp Westwind has little fairies that live around camp. Sometimes they even make an appearance at campfire! The Sherwood campers this week made many fairy houses to house them from the rainy weather... The campers and the fairies were writing back and forth to each other all week. Did you know the best way to get a letter at camp is by shrinky dink?
Well, I can't believe the week is over! But, it's about time for me to head out and watch some starstomping!
By the way, if you are interested in pictures from this session, you can order our AMAZING camp DVD on UltraCamp in your account! The campers seem to be very interested, so check it out!