What should we learn today? How about Frampton the Crab?
One day me, my mommy and daddy were sitting at the beach
Sitting at the beach in East Hampton
When out of the water, along came a crab
And the crab's name was Frampton.
Now Frampton was a crab who loved to climb
He loved to climb bushes and trees all the time
One day Frampton climbed all the way up in a tree

And he fell out of the tree and bit me on the toe
He bit me on the toe, he bit me on the toe
I didn't know what to do and I didn't know where to go
So I ran home and who was standing there
But my grandma to put a band-aid on the toe.
Whew, I enjoy that song! I apologize for missing a post yesterday. I was so excited about the Banana All Camp, I forgot.
Today we did our second round of Interest Groups. Our second round of Interest Groups were: Extreme Sand People, Creative Writing in Creative Places, Funkadelic Tie-Dye, Kangaroo-a-pa-looza and Board Game Bonanza.
We also spent time playing cabin games, Ninja is a popular one, as well as Elimination. After Interest Groups and games, we had lunch, followed by more games and packing for the overnight. Currently all cabins are out on overnights! Sleeping under the stars - well, clouds tonight - while eating food cooked over an open fire, and having value sessions.
Breakfast: waffles, berry mixture, whip cream, eggs, cereal bar
Lunch: DINO nuggets! tots, grapes, salad bar
Dinner: Cookout! Most units favor Foil Dinners, enchiladas, and fajitas.
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