Camp, it's such a great place to be!
Here is a song to help you feel as if you were here:
On the Loose Have you ever seen a sunset
Turn the sky completely red?
Have you slept beneath the moon and stars
A pine bough for your bed?
Do you sit and talk with friends
Though a word is never said?
Then you’re just like me and
You’ve been on the loose
On the loose to climb a mountain
On the loose where I am free
On the loose to live my life
The way I think my life should be
For I’ve only got a moment
And a whole world yet to see
I’ll be looking for tomorrow on the loose
There’s a trail that I’ll be taking
Just to see where it might go
Many places yet to visit
Many people yet to know
So in following my dreams
I will live and I will grow
I’ll be looking for tomorrow on the loose (Chorus)
So in search of love and laughter
I’ll be traveling through this land
Never sure of where I’m going
For I haven’t any plans
So in time when you are ready
Come and join me take my hand
And together we’ll share life out on the loose (Chorus)
Today was a great day! The weather report this morning said it was going to rain, but alas it was wrong! No rain for us today, which is great, because our amazing Teen 2's left for their two night overnight. They are headed to some new overnight spots, Mirkwood & Neverland.
I must tell you about how amazing our Teen 2's are. The first day, they already exhibited signs of leadership when running to catch up to those of us carrying the 15 bags of already lost bags from the river. They have jumped in to lead songs, and help out cabins, as well as sweep the lodge! It is great to see a group of teenagers pitch in to help the community.
Now, Sherwood today learned how to be spies.... They went around and scouted out other units to see what they were doing and to keep an eye on them. They found some treasures as well!
Highlands at the current moment is coming back from starstomping! This of course was the icing on the cake! Today they also visited the camp store, art palace AND did challenge course!
Alpine also had a great day, hanging out and being at camp. They had a spa party and painted their nails! Link (Alpine's support staff this week) even had his nails painted in many different colors!

Today ended on a fabulous note for everyone. First, Travel Camp made their final stop at the beach before heading back to Portland for the final leg of their trip. It was great to see them, and hear a few of their stories! Secondly, we had a Talent Show tonight! We were visited by the Glitter Explosions (boy band looking for another talented person). We had quite the groups performing too! Many new original skits and songs, some keyboard playing, and birthday singing. Lastly, Sherwood & Alpine had their own dance parties! They spent their evening dancing the night away!
Tomorrow, the campers will start packing up for their overnights! WooHoo! A night to spend out under the stars!!!